UK Structural Engineers Declare Climate & Biodiversity Emergency

The crisis of climate breakdown and biodiversity loss are two of the most serious issues of our time. Buildings and construction play a major part, accounting for nearly 40% of energy-related carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions whilst also having a significant impact on our natural habitats.

For everyone working in the construction industry, meeting the needs of our society without breaching the earth’s ecological boundaries will demand a paradigm shift in our behaviour. Together with our clients, we will need to commission and design buildings, cities and infrastructures as indivisible components of a larger, constantly regenerating and self-sustaining system in balance with the natural world.

The research and technology exist for us to begin that transformation now, but what has been lacking is collective will. Recognising this, we are committing to strengthen our working practices to create structural engineering outcomes that have more positive impact on the world around us.

We will seek to:

We hope that every structural engineering practice operating in the UK will join us in making this commitment.


Please note that the Institution of Structural Engineers web site provides a link to this declaration as well as information about related activities and opportunities for member engagement.

The Climate Framework is a curriculum framework and shared platform for holistic climate knowledge in all disciplines of the built environment.

In addition, there are two related UK engineering declarations on line. Please visit and You can also visit www.builtenvironmentdeclares.c... to learn how to set up a declaration in another country or sector.

To sign:

Practices must provide the email address for their CEO, Chairperson or appropriate Board Member. Approval will be sought via this email before the company name is added to the declaration.

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